Monday, June 30, 2014

So, Here I am.

Hi, I'm King_Chalice. This is the Blog of the goings on at my studio. Posting Art work, Pictures, and Videos from my affiliate Channel Fandom Alliance. 

Now to get to know me a little better. I live in the Mid-West. it's not the greatest place for folks who Like fandom But we have are group and a few others on the "Outside" that we converse with. 

Know The Fandoms that I'm most dear to me are:

Fantasy - Now how many of you said DUH right there. It's true that most Nerd s enjoy the whimsy that fantasy provides. I'm not the exception. In fact One of my favorite creatures is the Dragon. Creatures of Fiery fury, Dragons make up a great deal of my "Fantastic Life". In Dungeons and dragons I often play A Dragon Shaman or Sorcerer (of Red Verity of course), Even in the card games I play dragon type cards make up to maybe a third or more of my deck. I digress But because fantasy is such a "Nerd Staple" I would be doing the world an injustice if I didn't put in my two cents. So for One of my first major Cosplay Projects i'm doing is Sarkhan Vol from the upcoming Magic the Gathering Block Khans of Tarkir. His story is kinda complex I may cover it more in a future post. but lets just say if i like him enough to Cosplay you can bet he has something to do with dragons and let me just state for the record, DRAGONS!


Tokusatsu - Before you all go freaking out on me an Saying you have to Clue what the hell I'm talking about. Think back to your youth, For some of us it wasn't that long ago. Japan was making films about big monsters terrorizing there cities, Names like Godzilla, Gamera, and even more recently that horror that was Cloverfield. Yes these are all marketed under the Title of Kaiju, or a rough Translation would be "Strange Beast". Most of us Know Godzilla. its how some know anything about japan at all. Even though this is a great shame. Kaiju films Have inspired some of the greats special effects designers of our generation. My particular area I like is called Kaijin or "Mysterious Person" Where as a character or group of characters are give Special Powers and uniforms, as to help hide their identity.  You probably familiar with the series Power Rangers. For me the series that garnered my Fanship was Kamen Rider. the last decade or so has produced some of my favorite Riders such as Chalice, and OOO's respectively.   

Science Fiction - Yeah i know its A secondary staple of Fandom as much as Fantasy but unless it relates to on of the two specific fandoms I personally enjoy, it will probably fall on deaf ears. I'm sorry, but I spent years hearing long winded Debates over why Star Trek is better than Star Wars. Why the story of Babylon 5 was better than Battlestar Galactica. It is these types that make me sad i'm a nerd. I take it all in stride it is in the past. So now im strictly Doctor Who & Firefly. Since I have said my peace on this subject its more blah then anything else. The future may hold new possibilities though.

Some other major projects are under way and as soon as i have more information on those I will bringing to you. Here's a hint. Steam Punk. LOL.

P.s. I kinda Swiped some of these Images to random places. But thank you to the People that uploaded these awesome Images.